A pro basketball game. 4 x 12 mins = 3 hours

Our next door neighbour very kindly invited me to a pro basketball game. He is an Oakland Warriors season ticket holder so attends about 40 of the 80 games each season.

these guys are tall even when they are bending over

There is no doubt that a game is a family event and an evening’s entertainment. They even managed to sneak some pretty exciting basketball in between the breaks for:

  • cheer leader’s dance routine
  • dancing children dance routine
  • basketball acrobatic displays
  • pizza & t-shirt giveaways (the rolled up t-shirts are fired by an amazing air gun up into the highest seats which are called “the Nosebleeds”‘)
  • free ticket raffle…..

But the Oakland Warriors beat Oklahoma Thunder in a tight game where there was never more than 5 points between the teams. And Oklahoma Thunder were expected to win, so we went home happy, but poorer – $180 per seat for Row 10.

BTW Front row seats are $1000. Supporting your team is not a cheap prospect. But there is one guy, a hedge fund trader, who got the most expensive seats in the center of the front row. He just bought the Oakland Raiders for $450 million.

About Ian Gotts

Founder of Elements.cloud, tech advisor, investor, speaker and author. Runs on Duracell. Based in San Francisco and in a 747. Speaking showreel bit.ly/IGshowreel Elements.cloud, is the business analysis app designed to support Salesforce #AwesomeAdmins. 100% cloud, it is tightly integrated into Salesforce. Use the free core capabilities to capture business processes and embed them inside objects, with single sign-on.
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