Crazy about sand castles

We’ve gone a little bit mad with the sand castles. Max was off school last week, but Gabriella wasn’t, so we couldn’t go away anywhere. Instead, Max and I visited a significant number of beaches. We were on a mission to build more sand castles, now that we’ve learnt how to do it properly.

On Monday, we built a tiny, simple castle on Coronado beach (while we were still in San Diego) using the plop and jiggle method.

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On Wednesday, we were beaten by the incoming tide on Stinson Beach.

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On Thursday, we managed to build a small, semi-decent castle on Crissy Field Beach that was interesting enough to capture the attention of a few passing four-year-olds – a little too much attention, actually. That one didn’t stay intact for very long.

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And on Saturday, we created a masterpiece on Stinson Beach using the more professional method of construction that JT taught us in San Diego.


But as we’ve been erecting these inexperienced, mostly-motley structures, I’ve been thinking about Confucius and his quote that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. JT, our sand castle teacher, has been a massage therapist, a Maths teacher and an accountant in the past. Those were “proper” career choices, but what he really loved was going to the beach and building sand castles. So he made a business out of it. It’s a slightly crazy job choice and probably won’t make him a millionaire, but he’s deliriously happy and he says the sand sculptures attract interest, conversation and new friends. In other words, he’s not working and it’s not a job.

I’ve discovered, during this week of crazy sand castle building, that as long as I get to build a sand castle (and I’m wearing flip flops instead of real shoes), I like sandy beaches. But I don’t think I’m crazy enough to make sand castles my job.

About Natalie Gotts

I've been a management consultant, a nutritional therapist, a Journey practitioner and a mother. I've sold ostriches in China and personal safety devices in Hong Kong. Whatever I've done, and wherever I've been, I've written about it.
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