Images of Baja

Seat belts appear to be optional!

Seat belts appear to be optional!

Both children have this week off school for Thanksgiving. Since Thanksgiving isn’t something that’s celebrated in Britain, we’ve used the time as an opportunity to explore. So we’ve come to Baja California Sur, in the dingly dangly bit of Mexico.

We’re staying in a hotel that’s all pools and beach, but we’ve seen some fascinating spectacles on our drives into town.

You don't have to wait too long to see a pelican here. They're in abundance

You don’t have to wait too long to see a pelican here. They’re in abundance.

If that were my cello, I might have considered putting it in a case before loading it on top of the car.

If that were my cello, I might have considered putting it in a case before loading it on top of the car.

The landscape

The landscape

Sensational sunsets every night


About Natalie Gotts

I've been a management consultant, a nutritional therapist, a Journey practitioner and a mother. I've sold ostriches in China and personal safety devices in Hong Kong. Whatever I've done, and wherever I've been, I've written about it.
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